Friday, August 21, 2009

First Question Response - JJ

Well, to start, I believe there are cheeses made from different milks. For instance, Goat Cheese is made of (let's think about this one...) goat milk. We ate cheese made of sheep milk the other day. Moreover, I think the aging process varies to change the taste. And finally, I don't think cheese is solid mold. It's... I don't really know... what is in cheese? Well, google says...

Apparently tofu is vegetal cheese, so they must be prepared in the same way, one with soybean, the other with milk. Oh, just figured it out. Cheese is milk and then depending on the type of cheese, it's prepared with other ingredients as well. But they all consist of pasteurized milk and salt. That's satifsying to know.

And to answer the second part of that post, yes, we should.
For instance, my song of the day is "The Mob Song" because the boy playing Gaston in our production of Beauty and the Beast seems to be incapable of singing in time, so we ran that over and over and over and over again today. And then we tried marching and singing at the same time... disastrous.

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